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Showing posts from February, 2013

Saint Valentine's Day

It is the time of the roses and the chocolates once again.  It is the "season of love"; that one day in every year, where all lovers and friends go coucou finding gifts for their "Valentine".  It is also the time where the flower, chocolate and teddy bear merchants as well as hotels and motels owners and operators are on full grin!  It is the time where the prices of commodities associated with "love" go sky-high. What really is this phenomenon that is Valentine's Day?  Read on...

Broken Gadgets and Me

Have you ever had a connection with something that seemed like it was given to you by default? It is like a birthright where you were born with a particular gift or purpose that is handed to you right from birth. There are those who were born with a vocal cord of a flute who practically sang instead of cry at the first sight of the delivery room. There are those who were born with missing joints who seem to have danced their way out of their mothers’ wombs. And then there was me… and broken gadgets.

Quote of the Day

"A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life" - Muhammad Ali A very inspiring thought from a man who rolled with the punches for a living, how you view life after years of taking blows and celebrating victories do change with time. It is the difference between your present and previous views of the world that defines you. Our perception of the world when we are young comes from the programming that we get from home. This programming protects us until we are prepared to face the world and experience it first-hand, with our very own sets of biological sensory gizmos. Every experience, good or bad, alters our acquired programming and transforms us into the person we are “meant to be” – our own unique self. Without disrespect to our parents who so lovingly and patiently ushered us to adulthood, if we are still stuck to the perception that they have programmed us as a child, I believe we have just wasted our years. T...

Are you too strong for your own good?

I came across a gem of an article on Gulf News Aquarius magazine ( click here to read the article ) and decided to share it here and inject a few of my own thoughts on the subject. I have always been fascinated by strong women, those who have changed the course of history and made the world that is today. There are Hatshepsut, Cleopatra, Queen Elizabeth, Anne Frank, Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey and Mother Theresa to name a few. And of course, to each and every one of us, who would forget the strongest woman of all that we know – our mothers.